Prehabilitation in Canada

In Canada our Health Care system has created a waiting list of vast proportions for total knee replacement surgeries and that number is increasing every year as our population grows and ages. This means you could wait a year, two years may be even longer depending on where you live. As you wait for your surgery, your options for treatment are limited and few. Your knee stability would further deteriorate from the time you have been identified with osteoarthritis.

Along the way every professional you meet will give you the same advice : " You need to exercise more ". Well ask your self how do I exercise when daily activity is giving me such pain and discomfort. How do I stay active and keep moving as my condition progresses ???

We are here to help bridge that gap and give you an opportunity to help yourself delay the onset of your condition and perhaps reach a goal where you may not even need the long awaited surgery.

Braced Activity for 90 Days

With 90 Days of wearing our brace before surgery you will benefit from :

  • A quicker Recovery Time

  • A better balanced knee to present on the operating table

  • Reverse and prevent muscle atrophy

  • Virtually eliminate pain and find relief in regular daily activities

  • Improved Functional Capabilities

  • Increased quadriceps and hamstring strength

  • Improved foot placement

  • Gait retraining with retained effects